Friday, March 01, 2013

New York City...

Starting to wind down my incredible New York adventure and this is the longest I've gone without an update... all's well, family! I'll be announcing plenty of great comics news very soon.
In the meantime, here are a couple of quick highlights of a bittersweet and productive trip.
Here's a recent video interview...
...and a recent audio interview!
Plus, a recent text interview.
After all that, I'm done talking!
Lance Tooks
PS: I'm quoted in this piece on Romance Comics...
My book Narcissa's still being taught in schools...
...and photographer Eliot R. Brown just posted proof that I was indeed, young once!
Thanks all,
A gentleman named Cabby recently did me the honor of getting one of my drawings from Black Panthers for Beginners inked on his arm... now THAT'S commitment! Thanks, Cabby!


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