Monday, April 30, 2007

Updated Weakly…

Another month has raced by, and this weekly journal continues to be updated monthly. Not that anyone’s noticed, of course. In any event it’s been a busy time in Tooksworld. I taught school for a week at the Universidad Europea de Madrid: the theme being “Creativity, Comics & Animation” and the students being extraordinary. Then I shuffled down to Granada for a wedding, where much food, drink & dance was enjoyed.
Besides the good fortune of having work displayed in last month’s Other Heroes gallery show in Mississippi, I’ve forwarded drawings to my own New York City for inclusion in the Museum of Comics & Cartoon Art’s May exposition. I’ve been tagged as
  • “Legendary”
  • by the terrific Big Beautiful Wonder Woman site… they meant “a legend in my own mind”, I’m sure. As for my drawing board, I’ve got work on it that should last me till the end of the year… not bad for "the world's fattest starving artist."
    Lance Tooks