Thanks to all who made it to the Exhibition on opening night... it runs until the end of the month, and the invitation stands... Come on down to Bar Galeria Donde Chelo (Calle Santa Maria 33, Barrio de las Letras, Madrid) for a beer or wine and tapas, or to chat with the lovely Chelo... and feel free while you're there to buy some inexpensive art prints of my work! They turned out beautifully, thanks to Sergio Rivas of Amarillopollo and his amazing graphics department! They also created the prints of my comics art that went on display at The Society of Illustrators in Manhattan last winter. Write me here or on Facebook, or just email me @ ( for any questions. For those who couldn't make it to the show, I missed you... please enjoy this virtual tour! I'll chime in where necessary, but I do prefer to let the images do the talking. Thanks to Sabrina Zanardini, Pilar Ruiz and Kevin J. Taylor for taking many of these photos... the rest I took myself while standing around pretending to be important.
Then came the moment in every exhibition where the artist is expected to ramble on incoherently a bit about himself, and I didn't disappoint. I'm appreciative of all my friends who turned up in support!
And just like that, it was over! We stumbled home at 3AM and came back the next day for more! Stop by if you're in the neighborhood. Just drop me a line and I'll definitely be there too! Promise.
Thanks again to my family and friends... see you there! (Or at the next one in May!)
Lance Tooks